Riveredge School Stories

Teaching Outdoors and in a Yurt Classroom at ROLES

Emily Weiss | February 16, 2021

As a nature-based school, it is expected that we do things differently than a traditional school. One of those things we do differently is our teaching environment. Not only do we spend as much time outdoors as possible, our indoor classroom is also unique. Check out this interview with our 2nd grade and 4th/5th grade […]

First Instar to the Right, and Straight on to Learning!

Emily Weiss | November 6, 2020

“All our knowledge begins with the senses, proceeds then to the understanding, and ends with reason. There is nothing higher than reason.” –Immanuel Kant By: Kayla Buser & Amy Pollard When the Riveredge School was first dreamed of, it was built upon the natural curiosity children express towards the world around them. Three pillars – […]

ROLES 2020 Enrollment Lottery

Ashley Gauger | June 9, 2020

The Enrollment Lottery for the 2020-21 school year was conducted by the ROLES Governance Council from 9:00-9:34 AM on June 6th, 2020. The results can be found here. Student Group 1 Student Groups 2-3

There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing!

Moriah Butler | January 20, 2020

Thank you to Riveredge School parent, Moriah, for this great post about preparing for school each day. We hope this is helpful both to current families as well as families who are considering The Riveredge School for their children. There is an old quote that states, “There is no such thing as bad weather, only […]

Blending Inquiry, Nature, and Community with Academic Standards

Jessica Tipkemper | November 12, 2019

At a school where nature and inquiry are two of the main drivers of learning in multi-grade classrooms, how do we weave all of the necessary pieces into the learning experience along with academic standards?  Looking at a few of the learning opportunities in which the 3rd and 4th grade class engaged during a typical […]

Loving the Land

Ashley Gauger | November 8, 2019

One of the most unique things about our school is the rare and important partnership we have with Riveredge Nature Center. We simply could not exist without the hard work and dedication of years of Riveredge naturalists to return farmland to the thriving, biodiverse sanctuary that it is today. Unlike most schools – whose facilities […]

Our Yurts

Jessica Jens | October 18, 2019

One of the many unique aspects of The Riveredge School is the classrooms used by our second grade and third/fourth grade classes. Inspired by the success of using yurts as classrooms in a nature-based learning environment at Juniper Hill School in Maine, Riveredge Nature Center erected two yurts to serve not only the school classes […]

The First Week: a 3rd/4th Grade Perspective

Jessica Tipkemper | October 18, 2019

What a week! This week has been unlike any other first week of school I have ever experienced. I imagine that much of our school community felt similarly. Our first day of school tested our readiness for weather, with storms threatening throughout the day (mostly at pick up and drop off, it seemed). It really […]