Brian Fortney


Brian Fortney is a father of two children, Silas age 7 and Stella age 5, both of whom have attended school at Riveredge since last year, as a first grader at ROLES and with the Riveredge/YMCA/West Bend School District 4K program, respectively. Brian got his first degree in Life Science Education and taught seventh grade Life Science for seven years in Minnesota before returning to school at UWM to become a Registered Nurse. Concurrently, Brian has also been serving in the US Navy Reserve. Last year, he took a leave of absence from Aurora Medical Center, Grafton, to serve on long-tour orders for the European Command at Fort Sheridan, IL and continues to do so through this fiscal year. Brian is passionate about the outdoors and has regularly gone on backpacking trips around the US. He is very excited for the opportunity that ROLES has provided for new learners to engage in outdoor learning, to include his own children.


Words that inspire me

“An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” 

— Henry David Thoreau
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